
Elevate yourself.

Elevate everyone.

These four words are the closest thing to an instruction manual for life. And, even read in reverse, they hold the same weight.

Elevate everyone.

Elevate yourself.

When we can be that person who helps lift others up, and when we invite people into our circle who feel the same way, then we can truly reach our highest potential. If we can spend our lives doing whatever we can to help others succeed in life AND if we suround ourselves with people who also do everything they can to see you succeed, then the possibilities are endless.

I will be using this mantra as a platform where I can shine a light on people who treat life not as a competition, but rather as a chance to reach his, her or their highest potential while also helping others do the same. When we realize we are all on the same team, the things we can accomplish are endless.

Elevate Yourself.

Elevate Everyone.

Follow @m2gallery on Instagram to see who we are featuring. Every Monday for 2 months, we will focus on an individual who we believe exemplifes this mantra. We will work with this individual in various ways for those 2 months to help drive awareness and to help raise money. There will be several ways to participate. You can also purchase t-shirts and stickers (mugs coming soon) and we will donate 50% of sales the organzation of choice for those 2 months. The first featured person/organization is Nick Leopoulos of THEA Foundation. 

Thank you for any support, and most importantly, go out and lets all start lifting each other up.

-Maddox Murphy